Month: January 2016

My Alzheimer’s Journey

My mom is a Cuban immigrant, who came to the U.S. to visit her sister in Brooklyn NY in 1959, and was told by her remaining family in Cuba,don’t come back.  She worked at a factory making buttons, she met my Dad in December 1963 & married him in 1964, she became a mother of one(me) in 1966, she became a housewife and was excellent at it.  She is fiercely loving, a great sense of humor, she never meets a stranger, and she is very opinionated.  She also has Alzheimer’s…


My Mom, my sons’ Can-Can
Back in 2000 something(can’t exactly put my finger on when I started noticing), she was misplacing things.  The only other person who lived with her was my Dad, so she blamed him.  I never bought it because it seemed out of character to my Dad,why would he take your stuff, it didn’t add up.  Those were some trying times.  It kept happening.  Something wasn’t right.  

Then changes were happening…my mom would just fall down(blackout) so she got a walker, she stopped answering the phone and talking on it to me( I call them everyday and talk to my Dad to see how things are), she had health problems and hardly ate anything at a restaurant anymore, and the most drastic change is that sometimes she doesn’t talk at all or when she does she repeats things or forgets things that I just told her about.


My Dad, Mom, & Chris
What was going on?
We got the answer in 2015…Alzheimer’s.  My beautiful vibrant mom has Alzheimer’s .  Now to get my mind around it.  I have read and watched videos about people suffering through this disease, I am a fan on FB and Twitter of the Alzheimer’s Association and Alzheimer’s Awareness Community, and I help my mom’s main caregiver,my Dad as needed.  Caregivers are my heroes. But they need a break too and my Dad is not young but he is determined.  52 years and his mentality is through sickness and health, through good times and bad, til death do us part.  He is there for her.  And when she gets angry and he can’t get through to her, there’s me.

I have no brothers or sisters, so I am the one.  I’ve read Alzheimer’s doesn’t just affect the person but the whole family.  I can attest to that.  My Dad has lost a lot of weight, he has the shakes…I am depressed(I always feel on the verge of crying), sad, and helpless. Then worry.  Am I going to get this?  I notice I forget things and am forever losing things…anxiety is something else I’ve acquired from this disease.

Whatever 2016 brings, I want to be there for my parents, I want my mom to know that I love her and it’s okay, I want my sons to know that their grandmother loves them no matter how much she might change.  I want to stop time and go back-what could I do to change this? I want to capture all the time lost…I want my mom back.


I love you Mom

  Can-can & Aunt Mercedes with my older sons; Daniel, Aaron,& Ethan
Remember it’s about the journey not just the destination,

Race Recap of the Winter Beach 10 Mile Run

January can be warm and sunny, cool and overcast, or cold and blustery-you just never know.  Today started with the Galloway Training Group run with wind gusts and sleet.  It never got better.  In fact winds were gusting at 22 mph this afternoon and overcast. I have done the Winter Beach Run aka WBR since 2009 and it’s been a toss up with weather.  I dressed in 3 layers with gloves and a  knit hat and I was still a frozen Popsicle.  The race starts at 2:00 p m so I got there early to find a choice parking spot.   The wind was fierce with no let up in sight, I got out of the cold for a minute or two in the porta potty(that’s weird I know), and then met up with one of my BRF’s  Julie, who was running 10 miles today.  We sheltered in the doorway of a building until we saw our other  BRF, Marcia looking none to happy and assuring us we were all crazy and going to die!

BRF’s Ready to Brave the Beach Run

And then at 2:00 we were ready to go!  Here’s our race course, 2.5 miles north towards One Ocean and back to the start for 5.  Then if you’re insane or dedicated, 2.5 miles south towards the St Johns County line and back to run a total of ten miles on the beaches of Atlantic, Neptune, and Jacksonville.  Julie and I were run/ walking together using 1:30/:30, and Marcia was just running.  I wanted to take it easy and see how my foot felt.  We had lots of beach to run on, but it was super windy.  I didn’t see a lot of people I usually run with, but there was a large contigence of Marathon High students and their coaches-awesome!

The temperature at the start of the race 43 degrees, which is not cold but with the wind factor it was below freezing.  As we were running, there was no people on the beach when usually there are dozens and dozens of beachgoers.  There were a couple of people flying kites, and they were having a great time controlling them-crazy wind!  When the wind was at our backs, it was good like a giant hand pushing us forward, but when we were running into it I had a hard time even breathing.  Julie was having plantar pain so she decided to stop right after my bathroom break.  This race is unique because there are no porta potties for 10 miles, so that means runners have to go off course to find a bathroom.  Luckily there’s a park before mile 6 that has some bathrooms( I was not the only runner doing that by the way), what a relief.  Without a running partner to talk to, I concentrated on looking at beach houses and condos along the way, turning my face away from the blowing sand, and looking for the wooden pilings that divide Duval County from St Johns County.  Then, there it was-turnaround!  Head towards the finish line near the Jax Beac Pier.  I finished at 1:52:30-my goal was under 2:00 hours-not my best but it’s another stepping stone towards my 26.2 with Donna run in February.


Medal in hand and Trying to defrost

Remember it’s not about the destination but the journey,


My long run towards 26.2 with Donna

As you know, on September 30th I had a fit of klutziness and broke my fifth metatarsal (my foot).  It has been a challenging couple of months-no exercise, some light exercise, and then a light 30 minute walk/jog.  Then on  Wednesday January 14th, I got the news I’ve been waiting to hear, “you are cleared to run again…”!  I’m cleared!  Really?!  Okay-awesome!  Oh crap, that means I have a month to get ready to run a marathon.

Yes, you read that last part right-I am running the 26.2 with Donna.  I have made up my mind even before I got the all clear for go.  I have run that marathon since 2011 and I’m not going to give it up.  If Donna Deegan, who had just had a round of cancer treatments a couple of weeks before, decided  in 2008 to run the  inaugural marathon instead of the half marathon then damn it so would I even if I had to limp my way through it!

Our View of the Rail Trail

I hadn’t run/walked more than 13.1 miles since my injury, which is half way for a marathon but I knew my legs had to get the feel of more.  Our Jax Galloway training run was 13 for the half and 26 for the full( I had the Gate River Run Training group-we were doing 3) at the Jax/Baldwin Rail Trail.  On the Westside, from one end to the other 14/15 miles through a canopy of trees and scrub brush bordered by houses and farms with cows and at one time chickens(pee-yew).  The weather was perfect(low 50’s and overcast but not rainy), so at 5:15 me and my running partner of the day ,Chris set out to do a quick 3-4 miles before I met up with my Gate RR Group at 7.  It was super dark(no street lights) but the stars were so beautiful I had to make sure I was paying attention to my footing.  Chris wasn’t feeling well so we turned around at 2 miles and headed back.  We walked around the parking lot to make sure we were not getting chilled until 7, and then met up with the three brave souls who showed up to run(we usually have over 20).  The three miles went by quickly and then we were back.  Chris only wanted to run 10 miles.  I told him my plan and he looked at me in disbelief.  I was going to do twenty today with support today or twenty tomorrow by myself.  

He is NOT Amused

When I get a goal in mind, I am very stubborn.  So it was with my twenty miles.  I had my fuel(Nuun strawberry lemonade and Honey Stingers Pink Lemonade)to help me along and Chris had his watermelon BCAA.  We saw lone runners and cyclists.  We saw dog walkers and people just out for a walk.  The best sight to see were other Jax Galloway runners in a huge pack of run/walkers cheering us on and calling out greetings.    We ran past Halesema Rd and then back.  I love that our Florida Winters look like Fall(the leaves are still turning and falling off the trees).  It was beautiful.  And then the best part, wildlife.  I am always hoping to see some(deer, snakes-uh not really, raccoons, turkeys,etc) and today we were not disappointed.  Turkeys were out!  And we heard for the first time females talking to the males(Dr. Blanton, our JU history professor,had brought in a turkey call once but it didn’t sound like gobble gobble.  Now I know why)!


And then we were back!  But wait a minute…my watch read 18.59 miles!  Not done yet…around the parking lot, 19.00 miles-keep going!  I ran out again with Chris grumbling.  We ran into some other marathon groups finishing up their 26 miles.  Turned around and boom!  Done! 


I enjoyed chili and cornbread and pralines homemade and delicious thanks to Kathy Trcalek’s husband Glenn.  What a feast!  I am officially ready to tackle the marathon in February.  


The next day we were comparing sore spots, and one of my running friends was amazed by how good I felt.  I can’t tell you why that is, but I’m glad to be back where I need to be and what I love to do-everyday is a gift. 
Remember it’s not just about the destination, it’s about the journey,


Race Recap Jacksonville Bank Marathon

Guess Where I Am

Sunday January 3, 2016; I’m up at 4:45 a m eating a lite breakfast of raisin toast with peanut butter.  And it’s raining-ugh!  Even our dogs didn’t want to go out and started yelping after 10 minutes-oh boy.  First race of the new year. I was suppose to do the marathon( I did it last year with Val and it was warm but very fun!), but with my fractured foot I had downgraded to the half marathon.

This  race is put on by First Place Sports and has been around for 33 years.  A 5k has been added to encourage more runners-it is a small, fast race that brings people from all over to B Q.  This year we would have a record number of elites trying to qualify for the Olympic trails.  

So back to pre run, we are running late…no satellite parking which I like because parking is stressful.  We got to the start-Bolles School-at 6:37 a m( the race starts at 7:00) and immediately went to the bathroom line.  My JaxGalloway group had already lined up in the starting corral, so I was running alone.  I got in my corral with a minute to spare.  Boom!  We’re off.  Everyone starts together.

I decided early on I would do a 1:30/:30 with a pace between, 11:30-12:00.  Did I mention it’s still raining?  1.5 mile north on San Jose Blvd to Lakewood Shopping Center, and then back to Bolles, where the 5k racers finished.  Marathon/half marathon runners kept going south-very light spectator support.  If you need crowd support to get you through,this is not the race for you.  You have to dig deep.   On the run you see…JCA,Goodby’s Creek, Beauclerc, Forest Circle, Scott Mill Rd(go straight if you’re doing the marathon-next time-turn left for the half),back to San Jose again, Montclair neighborhood for a bit of hill work, and then the coolest part…finish on the Bolles Track where they announce your name as you run in!  My name was announced twice!

My BRF’s had waited for me to finish at a PR of 2:31(since my injury)!  After I collected my medal and space blanket, look I’m a giant baked potato, time for something warm-lentil soup!  Did I mention it was still drizzling?  Brr!


Love my BRF’s

So sat under a tent & ate my soup and waited for Chris to finish.  Always a nice spread at the finish including soup, bagels, bananas, and hot chocolate(yay!).  Chris finished at 3:01 for a PR too!  Always great fun and a great race, hope to see you out there next year!


Wow, Chris!
Remember it’s not just about the destination but about the journey,




Happy New Year!
Brand new year, brand new page of  your life 366 days long(yes it’s a leap year), and what do we start off with?  Resolutions.    A resolution is a noun and is defined as a firm decision to do or not do something.  Everyone I know makes resolutions.  You can tell a lot of people make exercise based resolutions by how full the gym parking lots are during January.

Will your resolutions be around December 31,2016?  How about some resolutions that really count this year.

1.  I resolve to declutter this year.  

Old books from my librarian days or from when my kids were small donate to the library.  Clothes too big or small, donate to a charity.  Shred old bills.  Too much stuff!  

2.  I resolve to connect more with my family and friends.

Spend quality time with your kids, your parents, your significant other.  Don’t talk about it and think about it while running errands, on the computer, or watching tv-do it!  1-2 hours of your time a week is not that much to ask.

3.  I resolve to try something new once a month.  

Restaurant, open water swim, dance lessons…stop writing out a bucket list with nothing checked off.  Try it.  It’s just 12 things,  that is not hard to accomplish.

4.  I resolve to say, think, do at least one positive thing a day.

Bringing happiness to others guarantees happiness for you.  

5. I resolve to forgive myself and others when mistakes are made.

We are not living in a perfect world, stuff happens.  Stressing about it, getting frustrated,or angry is not helping you or anyone else.  Pick yourself up and try again.  

6. I resolve to let friends and family know I love them, if not in words then in actions.

Stuff is not love.  Talking, showing affection, and listening are ways that you can show your love and appreciation for people you care about.

7.  I resolve  to take care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Taking care of me is a way that I can ensure I’ll be around for 2017.  

I hope my list has inspired you to make your own resolutions.  Remember these resolutions should be something that lasts all year long.  Happy New Year!

Remember it’s not about the destination , it’s about the journey,
