Month: October 2018

The Next Generation, encouraging young runners.

In 2008, my son Ethan, begged for one of us to run the Festival of Lights 5k with him. He was eleven. I took him up on it, and immediately knew this activity was for me. 10 years later, and I have another son who wants to run, and begged me to pace him to his first race(not just a fun 1 mile run). Why? The boy wanted a pumpkin. I signed him up for the October 28th Evergreen Cemetery Pumpkin Run 5k. Then training. We had 3 weeks! Not going to recommend that training plan anytime soon.

Here are some pictorial evidence of how it went.

1 mile beginning run. All smiles.

I hate running, I hate running, by the way I really hate running 2nd training run.

2 miles. I love running and you mom!

We of course ran/walk/ran during training. He was comfortable with 30/30, so that’s what we did. We got him some comfortable shorts that were wicking and a wicking running shirt, and running shoes with no holes and that actually fit. He has big feet, must get this from my Dad(papa). So this morning, we headed out for the 5k(I was doing the 10 miler anyway). I let him know I would stay with him to help pace him. I think he was relieved he wasn’t running alone. The 5k was sold out, so lots of people. We lined up at the 12:00 pace flag(I was here for him not me), and at 8:05 we were off! The first 3-4 cycles of 30/30 we had to run because the course was so clogged full of runners and we were afraid of getting run down. Footing is iffy with brick paved walkways, tree root broken asphalt, and people vying for space. We did our best and stuck to our race strategy. We picked up another Galloway runner Jack and he ran with us until the last half mile. 1st mile: 14:00! Nice job. Of course he was asking when we would get to 2. We enjoyed looking at the costumes and pumpkins along the way. He was planning on getting a big one after the race. Mile 2: 14:38! Not bad. He was worried about the last mile and began to walk a lot more. I told Jack to go ahead and I doubled back to get David and pace him to the finish. Finish line-41:36!

Congratulations David!

David has proudly worn his finisher/race shirt all day , and best of all he wants to train and race another 5k and the Gate River Run 15k! Starting in November, he will begin training for a December 5k and the GRR. He is excited and confident and he felt good all day. That reminds me of his older brother, Ethan. Hopefully he’ll develop a life long love of running, like mom and Dad. Encourage, don’t push. Be there for him, be a cheerleader. Gradual and slow, no burn out. The Smith running family legacy continues!

Stay tuned to more fun running adventures with me and my young runner.

Remember it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey,


Running with friends means a fun run

Finish line! It’s done already?

A couple days back, I was running up the Acosta Bridge and did something to my left leg. I ran the JU 5k and hurt it some more even though I ran slower than my usual cooler weather running. Fast forward to this past week, I’m rolling it and popping ibuprofen. Why? Big race weekend in Amelia Island with Zooma, I’m an ambassador, I can’t miss this!

Friday was the Lighthouse Loop 5k, which was a new race for the Seaside Challenge (5k and either 12k or 13.1). I was excited but extremely nervous…I had had a procedure done earlier in the day. Would it be okay? Would I tear or dislodge something? Well, here goes nothing! New packet pickup this year at Main Beach and the weather was lovely for it. I grabbed a tank for the inaugural Seaside Challenge and some socks from my favorite sock company, My Soxy Feet. If you haven’t tried them, they are the best! Never a blister in all the years I’ve worn them.

5:30p.m. we toe the Zooma start line and… we’re off! I’m in the middle of the pack since I know I’m not breaking any records. We run past the Atlantic Rec Center and into the hilly neighborhoods. Don’t be deceived, even though we’re at Fernandina Beach, it is not flat. Up, up, up and then down. Tight corners and narrow streets are always fun and then up up up to the lighthouse and down to the finish. 32:01! Well, I ran and the pain was not unbearable. Half marathon here I come!

Finish with a smile

Next morning, on the road by 5:30 a m. Arrive in plenty of time to find a good spot, find friends, and use the potty. I was under the impression they were starting at 7, but actually 7:30-oops! I am hurting, so because I wasn’t going for speed and a Jax Galloway pacer friend needed a hand, I willingly volunteered. 3:00 hours, 30/30(dirty 30’s), and 13:47 pace-this might be doable. Heather was in a party pacer mood, so she made the miles tick by. The most memorable parts were running through the Greenway and Fort Clinch. The weather was hot and humid, typical FL Fall day. Runners were dropping like flies. We finished by ourselves with another Jax Galloway pacer friend, Amy running us in. 3:00:25-boom!

Pretty medal!

Glows: running with a positive on pace pace group is a plus. Jax Galloway were the pacers and did a nice job. I heard a lot of Thank you’s from other runners.

The mimosa garden at the end was spot on-I’ll drink to that!

The 5k(Friday course) and half marathon did not disappoint. Beautiful views and nice neighborhoods.

Bling was awesome! Big, shiny ,heavy…score!

Grows: Packet pickup on Friday was crazy! There should be signage so people aren’t jumping line to line. I received my half marathon bib but not my 5k bib so no results on Friday-boo! That was one of the top complaints I heard standing in line.

More police presence. Crossing some of those busy intersections were scary. We thanked all the police we saw out there.

Uh oh, Greenway. Even I loved it, a lot of people were taken aback by the trail running. Maybe put it on the website early on so people can be prepared for that section. A lot of people kind of freaked out.

Water please. Mile 9 ran out of water. Nuun is delicious but doesn’t replace water and actually dried out our mouths. Mile 11 ran out of cups. Just something to think about for those back of the pack runners.


I will definitely be back! It’s a small race with a mighty heart. It celebrates women and raises money for the Donna Foundation, which is near and dear to my heart. Check it out, and bring your friends-running is so much better with friends! You won’t be disappointed.

Remember it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey,
