Is that a bone spur in your knee or you just happy to see me?

Not there yet

Two weeks since my first shot…no change. Lots of heating pad and pain relief medicine since then. Light strength training, and I mean light-5 lbs weight and only arms. Then walking and more walking.

At least that’s something. Right? Now onto my 2nd PRP injection. I was hoping they took enough blood last time so I wouldn’t have that again. Yeah no. I had blood taken out last week on my left arm and that still is bruised and tender, so right arm it is.

After an hour in the centrifuge, I receive the 2nd shot and wouldn’t you know it hurt worse than the first shot. The doctor did a sonogram on my knee and he pointed out some bone spurs too. What else is causing me to have this bum right knee-ugh?! So back to resting it for four days with heat and pain relief meds.

My mantra

Rest is not my forte but if I want it to heal then rest I must. I’m going to be grumpier than a bear out of hibernation so if I growl at you please don’t take it personally. Right now it doesn’t hurt at all.

2nd day.

Okay that was a rough night. So more pain relief meds and heating pad at least this morning and before bed. I should be ready to walk(slowly) for Saturday’s Mother’s Day 5k. And hoping for light strength training on Friday. The weather is getting downright miserable. My comeback race if everything goes well should be the Celebration 5k.

3rd day & 4th day.

No exercise is a tough pill to swallow. Nights can be a little leg restless but daytime is much better. Still doing heating pad and pain meds more as a prevention. Now to wait two more weeks until the next injection and hoping this works. I am not a great injured patient and are becoming more and more grumpy. Luckily tomorrow is my first day back to light strength training and then onto walking a 5k.

This journey isn’t over yet.

Remember it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey, Mercedes

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