What Happens Now?

Almost there…(ignore all distractions)

This has been a journey. I have tried ignoring the pain, running/limping through the pain, and then doing something that might or might not work. And all this time I can’t do what I really love and it shows. People are worried about me(damn does my stress show that much?!),I look grumpy(“…you have a frowny face…”-thanks honey!), and I’m just not myself(“…you have bags under your eyes…”-well you’re a fountain of sunshine today honey!). Okay we know exercise brings out the good endorphins, and getting minimal exercise kind of sucks my good mood out of me. Big time.

So today was my last PRP injection. I have been looking forward to this day since my 2nd shot. However getting here hasn’t been easy. Still going through a lot of pain. Restless sleep, pain; cycling, cut short because pain; and pain even sitting with my legs stretched out. Can it just stop already?! I keep thinking about the scene with Harry Potter and the school nurse in the Chamber of Secrets, “…regrowing bones will be painful…a nasty business…”. And even though I’m hopefully healing a meniscus tear and not regrowing bones, it is awful!

The third injection was the most painful, and it took all of my self control not to do a knee jerk. The doctor even asked if I was okay(yes my face showed it all). Now I wait and hope and pray that in 6 weeks(July 1st) I will be back to normal. 4 days of total rest with heating pad and then back to strength and walking right in time for Memorial Day 5k. I’m hiking in July up in NC so hopefully everything will be good. No running until after I see Dr M. Can I survive? Yes! Why? Because I have to believe. Believe-believe in the process, and believe that my body will heal itself.

Keeping those positive vibes going

So patience and keeping a positive outlook is key right now. I have to trust that this will work. I’m a test subject right now because if this works, then Chris might take the leap and get back to his running journey courtesy of PRP. My journey continues , stay tuned.

Remember it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey, Mercedes

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